How to edit and upload Twitch clips to Instagram Reels

Here's how to get your Twitch videos into the right aspect ratio for Instagram Reels.

How to edit and upload Twitch clips to Instagram Reels

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Instagram Reels has become increasingly popular in recent years and can be the perfect platform to get new people interested in your Twitch stream. To make your videos look good on Reels, you’ll need to get your Twitch videos into the right aspect ratio. Here’s how you do it.

1. Select your clip

First, locate the Twitch clip that you want to upload to Instagram Reels. You can find your clips by going to your Twitch channel, clicking on the "Clips" tab, and selecting the clip you want to use.

2. Get the clip into the correct size

Edit the clip to get the video into the right aspect ratio (from 16:9 to 9:16). You can use a tool like StreamLadder to do this, and add captions, stickers or text. Make sure to download the clip to your device after you’ve rendered the video. 

3. Create a new reel

Next, open up the Instagram app on your device and go to the "Reels" section. Click on the plus icon to create a new Reel. Now, you will need to add the Twitch clip to your Reel. To do this, click on the "Gallery" icon, and select the downloaded Twitch clip.

4. Add music, filters, etc

Trim the clip to the desired length by using the editing tools provided by Instagram if you hadn’t already. You can also add filters, music, or text to the clip to make it more engaging.

5. Publish

Once you have finished editing the clip, click on the "Share" button to publish the Reel to your Instagram profile.

That's it! Your Twitch clip should now be available on your Instagram profile as a Reel.

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