Instagram Tests Unskippable Ads

Instagram is testing unskippable ads! A countdown timer forces users to watch ads before scrolling. Users are not happy. Will this feature become permanent?

Instagram Tests Unskippable Ads

Instagram users, this might come as a shock (or not), because the platform is testing a feature that might have you reaching for the uninstall button: unskippable ads. Yes, you read that right. Just like the pre-roll ads you see before a YouTube video, Instagram is experimenting with "ad breaks" that force you to watch an ad before you can continue scrolling.

Endless scrolling is over?

The news broke after screenshots featuring the new feature started circulating on social media. These "ad breaks" display a countdown timer, forcing you to wait through the ad before you can resume scrolling through your feed. This move would significantly change your Instagram experience.

The user who first discovered this feature? Instagram user Dan Levy, who shared a screenshot showcasing the ad break that stopped him dead in his scrolling tracks.

Dan Levy his Tweet:

Curious about this new development? Clicking the info icon next to the ad break reveals a message explaining it as "You’re seeing an ad break" where you might need to watch an ad before continuing your browse.

People’s initial reactions on the ad breaks

The initial reactions have been overwhelmingly negative, with many users threatening to ditch Instagram altogether if these forced ad breaks become permanent. Others expressed concerns that this prioritizes ad engagement over user experience.

Is this the end of uninterrupted Instagram scrolling as we know it? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure: Instagram's testing the waters, and user feedback will likely play a big role in determining whether "ad breaks" become a permanent fixture on the platform.

Adding to the mystery, it's not clear at this time if Instagram creators will have any control over these ads' appearance on their feeds. This lack of clarity adds another layer of concern for creators who rely on a curated aesthetic for their content.

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